Traditionally, at the beginning of a new year, resolutions are made to start a new exercise or diet regime or to take up a new hobby. Did you know that as well as being a rewarding hobby, gardening offers a multitude of health benefits, both physical and mental? One...
The October meeting of Beckingham and District Gardeners’ Club, featured Dr Andrew Ward, who delivered a talk on ‘Gardening in a Changing Climate’. Illustrated with photos, the presentation explored the impacts of global warming, including the devastation it has...
Join the Clays Gardening Club on Monday 2nd December at 7.30pm for its annual wreath making workshop. No experience or floristry skills are required as help will be on hand for you to create a beautiful wreath. The cost is £6.00 for members and £10.00 for non-members...
When Sutton and Barnby Moor Gardening Club met on Thursday 7th November in Sutton Village Hall at the usual time of 7.15pm, Don Witton addressed the members on the subject of ‘Once Seen – Never Forgotten (Eclectic Images)’, which generated a lot of interest among...
The Kirton in Lindsey Amateur Gardeners (KLAGs) 2024 season of meetings finishes on Wednesday 20th November at 7.30pm, in the Town Hall, Market Place, Kirton in Lindsey. Members and guests will be having a ‘social evening’ of quizzes, challenges and merriment. It is...
Sue Smith, the speaker at the September meeting of Beckingham and District Gardeners’ Club, spoke about ‘Hedgehogs in Need’. Sue had run 7th Heaven Hedgehog Rescue, near Retford, for many years, until she recently retired. Sue still has 12 hedgehogs, who will remain...