Rather than travelling long distances and paying a high price to see a band in a large, impersonal venue, why not attend one of the concerts at Springthorpe? The artists are carefully selected and are equally at home in an intimate setting as they are performing for...
Wheatley Local History Group’s next meeting will take place at the Village Hall in South Wheatley on Monday 17th March, starting at 10.00am. They will welcome Bob Massey who will be talking about the origins of our Spring Bank Holiday and the traditions associated...
The Friends of Bassetlaw Museum are delighted to announce that they have part-funded two Iron Age coins, which have recently arrived at Bassetlaw Museum. Discovered locally some time ago, the coins have undergone the process of authentication, valuation, and formal...
Isobel Wright will give an illustrated talk entitled ‘People Powered Nature’ at the next meeting of the Gainsborough Area Group of the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust on Wednesday 19th March. This will cover all aspects of the reserve at Doddington, sharing its origins...
The Marton Methodist Centre, formerly known as the Marton Methodist Chapel, hosts a weekly Adult Youth Club every Thursday from 2.00pm to 3.30pm, providing a welcoming environment for games, conversation, tea, and coffee. New members are always welcome to join for...
There was a very good turnout for the February coffee morning at Lea Village Hall despite the very cold weather. The raffle proceeds were divided between the charity of the month, Tommy’s, and the Village Hall. Thank you to all who bought tickets. It was lovely to see...