There was a very good turnout for the February coffee morning at Lea Village Hall despite the very cold weather. The raffle proceeds were divided between the charity of the month, Tommy’s, and the Village Hall. Thank you to all who bought tickets. It was lovely to see...
Sunday services at Wickersley Methodist Church are at 10.30am, except on Sunday 16th March when they have a café style service at 3.00pm. All are welcome. Messy Church will be held on Saturday 8th March, from 4.00pm to 6.00pm and includes a meal. Children, please take...
Services are held every Sunday at 10.00am at St Francis Church in Bramley, with Holy Communion on the first and third Sundays of the month. A designated play area for children and parents is available in the church, and refreshments are served in the church hall at...
Police beat surgeries provide an opportunity for the local community to meet Neighbourhood Policing Teams and raise any concerns they may have. These surgeries are held in local venues within the community and are informal, allowing residents to speak to their local...
The Community Coffee mornings at Whiston Methodist Church have been running for more than 25 years and going along is a great way to meet new friends. Why not join them any Thursday between 10.00am and 11.30am? The Chapel Crafters group met every Tuesday from 12.00pm...
Have you been to Tickhill Parish Room before? If you want to ‘suss’ it out why not call in for a coffee on a Saturday morning? They are open from 10.00am to 12.00pm, with hot drinks and toasted snacks. They already have lots of regular bookings for classes but there...