East Markham WI embraced a wintry November meeting despite an early four-inch snowfall. The village hall was prepared with mulled wine warming and plates of mince pies and shortbread ready to serve. The meeting welcomed Sarah Troop, who demonstrated the art of making...
The Retford Inner Wheel Club begins the New Year by celebrating the successes of 2024. The coffee morning at Grove Street Methodist Church was a resounding success, well-supported by members, friends, and partners, with funds raised going to the Motor Neurone Disease...
Traditionally, at the beginning of a new year, resolutions are made to start a new exercise or diet regime or to take up a new hobby. Did you know that as well as being a rewarding hobby, gardening offers a multitude of health benefits, both physical and mental? One...
The Rotherham Sitwell Rotary Club has once again demonstrated its commitment to support local students by awarding its Bursary for Nursing. This annual initiative aims to help one student from Thomas Rotherham College and one student from Rotherham College to pursue...
New Year is traditionally the time for life-enhancing resolutions, so why not consider exploring Lindsey u3a? Part of a worldwide organisation for those no longer in full-time employment, Lindsey u3a offers opportunities for lifelong learning and social connection....