Christmas is a coming for Notts Wildlife Trust!

by | 7 December 2020 | Retford, Uncategorised, Worksop

Such good news! After the prolonged closure of the Idle Valley Nature Reserve centre and car park, the car park at least is now open again. The centre and coffee shop also plans to be open by the time you read this, well in time for a spot of wildlife orientated Christmas shopping. No one knows what Christmas will be like this year but one thing’s for sure, there will still be birds coming to your feeders and there might even be an odd hedgehog looking for sustenance if the weather is mild enough; keep an eye open for tell-tale, black deposits on the lawn!

There will still be the lovely Idle Valley and Daneshill reserves too where we can escape to enjoy a walk and find some peace with nature.

If you’re not able to get out, there are the wildlife webcams, not as busy now as they were in spring but usually worth a look and don’t forget there are online talks too. The next one, organised by Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust’s Local Groups, is on Thursday 10th December and will be ‘In the Wake of Scott and Shackleton’ with Nigel Scott. For more information see Talks cost £3.00 and must be booked in advance.

If you want any more information call Jan on 01777 709974 or 07969 180067 or email If you would like to receive email updates of Local Group activities, please email Jan with your request.