The last meeting of Retford Mayflower WI was held on 11th March and since that time they have been, and still are, living in unusual times with a lockdown unimaginable in most people’s lifetime. The Mayflower group have encouraged members to join weekly Zoom meetings as well as check their Facebook page to keep in touch and there have been some challenging quizzes as well as a monthly newsletter with ideas on books to read, TV to watch, recipes to try and much more besides.
With the easing of lockdown measures from 1st June, they managed to have a socially distanced committee meeting in a garden, which was most enjoyable. It enabled the committee to make plans to deliver a fuchsia plant to every member to let them know that they were not forgotten and they were thinking of them. When they can all safely meet again it will be interesting to hear how the plants have succeeded. Hopefully, the group will be able to meet again soon when the restrictions are further relaxed on how many people can get together. In the meantime, please take care and stay safe.