Inner Wheel Day is celebrated internationally by all clubs on 10th January to mark the very first meeting ever held in Manchester in 1924. From those few women who came together on that day, Inner Wheel has grown into a worldwide organisation giving service and help, while sharing friendship.
In Retford the club were very happy to welcome five new members last year and hope that they will continue to grow. Last year they all wore the club colours of yellow and blue to mark the day. This year they invited guests from other clubs or friends to share their meal and hear their speaker from Inter Care speak about the work they do and to support them with a donation.
Inter Care is a Leicestershire-based charity who send medical aid to rural health units in some of the poorest parts of Africa. The health units supported by Inter Care serve 10,000,000 people and include clinics, hospitals, dispensaries and centres for orphaned or vulnerable children in Ghana, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi and more. The help consists of healthcare items, medicines and medically trained volunteers. They are entirely funded by voluntary donations. Some goods are provided by medical manufacturers and a local company provides boxes for packing the items. Their website shows the list of medical aid they can accept. Transport of the medical aid is the biggest expense and where help in raising funds is most appreciated. There is another list on their website which shows other items they collect to help raise funds.
Disasters add additional pressure to the fragile health care system which exists. Floods in Malawi have increased the risk of cholera and malaria because the standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitos causing malaria, already one of the highest causes of death. Inter Care only supply free healthcare. As well as supporting local charities each year, the club also choose one overseas charity to support. Their international officer, Heather, chose this charity for the club to support because they do such good work and because members of the club who have visited Malawi and Zambia have been aware of their efforts.
Please get in touch if you think that you may be interested in joining the club and becoming involved in the work they do and the friendship they share while doing it. Contact them via