The glow of fairy lights and the sound of familiar carols can recreate past Christmases in our minds and bring pleasant feelings of anticipation for the happy times we hope to spend with family and friends. For some though, reminders of Christmas may be a bitter-sweet experience, knowing that circumstances have changed and Christmas will never again be like it used to be.
If you are looking after a partner or parent with memory problems there will have been big changes in your lives. It may be that the one you care for no longer has any interest in the festivities, in which case it’s pointless trying to get them to engage. Best to do the things they enjoy with them and try to keep some time for yourself to spend as you wish so that both people’s needs are catered for to some extent.
The Wednesday Group incorporates seasonal activities into its regular programme. At this time of year their usual activities, dinner, games, singing and dancing are all based on the theme of Christmas so that the format stays familiar and everyone can enjoy something of the spirit of the season.
After their Christmas party, the Wednesday Group will close for the holidays. There will be no meetings on 25th December or 1st January. They will reopen on 8th January. They wish you all a very happy Christmas and they look forward to welcoming members and friends back in the New Year.
For more information about the Wednesday Group, call Jan on 01777 709974.