The Retford branch of the U3A has a membership of nearly 600 people. The U3A is a national organisation, with branches all over the country. The ethos is members learn from each other in an informal co-operative manner, which embraces everyone. It maybe you already have friends who go along to an interest group, and the committee, at a recent meeting, issued an open invitation for non-members to visit as a guest, any of the interest groups where they know you would be made welcome.
The autumn series of monthly general meetings at The Well Baptist Church in Retford has started. These meetings take place on the fourth Thursday of each month. Usually people start arriving around 1.00pm and the formal meeting starts around 1.30pm. In the upstairs room of The Well, you will find representatives of some of the interest groups, and a trip up the stairs is always useful.
The speakers in this period will cover The Plague Doctor of Eyam, The Social History of the St Leger and in October a talk by Phillip Caine, entitled ‘From Barrow to Bagdad’. The speaker programme may change and it’s always useful to check on the U3A’s website to gain confirmation.
Retford U3A has over 40 interest groups, which are all listed on their website, and if you are not a member of the U3A, you are more than welcome to come to go to any group meeting and have a taster visit as a guest.
The ethos of the U3A, which stands for The University of the Third Age, is very simple. They try to keep themselves active in body and mind, learning from each other, with shared knowledge and experiences. If you want to know more about the Retford U3A, have a look at the comprehensive website, or contact the membership secretary, Paul Bacon at or 01427 880502 for more details.