Beautiful September gardens to visit

by | 31 August 2019 | Community Event, Community Focus, Retford, Sherwood

Whilst the summer months are traditionally garden visiting months, we are fortunate in Nottinghamshire to have gardens open through September and even one in October. Alongside these gardens there are also 16 gardens or groups of gardens who open for the Nottinghamshire National Garden Scheme by arrangement — see

Oak Barn Exotic Garden
Oak Barn, Church Street, East Markham NG22 0SA
Sunday 1st September
1.00pm to 5.00pm
On entering the oak lych-style gate you will be met with the unexpected dense canopy of greenery and tropical foliage. Gravel paths wind under towering palms and bananas which are underplanted with cannas and gingers. On the lowest levels, houseplants are bedded out from the large greenhouse to join the summer displays. They surround the Jungle Hut which is used for dining and socialising. Parking, plants for sale and refreshments.

East Meets West
85 Cowpes Close, Sutton in Ashfield NG17 2BU
Sunday 1st September
12.00pm to 5.00pm
Combined opening with Spring Bank House.
Sizeable acers, bamboos and Japanese lanterns together with a cloud-pruned tree with pond and water lilies represent the east part of the garden, whilst the west contains a trompe d’oeil arch which creates a magical garden illusion with an arch shaped ‘rainbow flower bed’ providing a flamboyant colour arrangement.

Spring Bank House
84 Kirkby Road, Sutton in Ashfield NG17 1GH
Sunday 1st September
12.00pm to 5.00pm
Mediterranean planting, a bog garden, summerhouse and white garden, alongside many interesting artefacts ensures this garden offers much variety. Begun in 2012, it now features hundreds of rare plants. Two terraces punctuate its slope and a woodland area with hardy exotics and a wildlife pond, offer cobbled paths and mown grass for a choice of garden circuits.

Norwell Nurseries
Woodhouse Road, Norwell NG23 6JX
Sunday 29th September and Sunday 13th October
2.00pm to 5.00pm
Jewel box of over 2,500 different, beautiful and unusual plants, sumptuously set out in a one acre plantsman’s garden, including shady garden with orchids, woodland gems, cottage garden borders, alpine and scree areas. Pond with opulently planted margins. Extensive herbaceous borders and effervescent colour themed beds. Featuring UK’s largest collection of hardy chrysanthemums. Some wheelchair access, parking, plants for sale, refreshments and national plant collections.

Image © National Garden Scheme