Parkinson’s UK

by | 30 August 2019 | Support Group

Five new members received a warm welcome at the August meeting of the Bassetlaw branch of Parkinson’s UK which was attended by 50 people. Tim Mulroy gave heart-warming and emotional presentation about the heroic work of Nicholas Winton, who rescued over 600 children from persecution in Slovakia, and how it impacted Tim’s own life. A most enjoyable but thought-provoking afternoon.

The next meeting takes place on Tuesday 3rd September, when Anita Plowright will talk about ‘How artists develop their style’. Members will also enjoy a cruise on the River Trent with afternoon tea on board on 11th September and lunch at The Lockkeeper on Tuesday 17th September. Pilates classes continue at The Crossing on Thursdays at 1.30pm and a visit to the National Memorial Arboretum is planned for Wednesday 9th October.

New members are always warmly welcomed as we aim to ensure that there is a social life to be enjoyed by anyone with Parkinson’s disease despite some of the difficulties the condition can have. For more information about the branch and its many activities, support and benefits please call Chris Coldwell on 01909 730629.