Friends of Milton Mausoleum

by | 31 March 2019 | Community Event, Heritage

The 2019 season of events organised by the Friends of Milton Mausoleum begins with the fifth Friends of Milton Mausoleum Lunch at the West Retford Hotel, Retford on Sunday 14th April, at 12.30pm for 1.00pm. Tickets cost £18.00 for adults and £10.00 for children. They hope you can join them at this popular venue for an afternoon with friends. Please contact them on or call Gillian on 01777 248310 or Jenny on 07791 527569 to book your place and choose from the menu. They look forward to updating you on their recent success and exciting plans for the future. The Friends are looking forward to opening their iconic building this season, from May to September, every Sunday from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. They can also provide guided tours for groups on other dates by prior arrangement. They enjoy telling the story of the building and the people involved. The committee is continually researching new information about this building which has a place in our local history. Further planned events are as follows:

  • 2nd June at 2.00pm — AGM — all are welcome
  • 22nd June — Summer Concert (celebrating 50 years of the Churches Conservation Trust)
  • 14th September — Entertainment by ‘Limited Ability Band’

More details will follow in due course. You can find the Mausoleum at The Avenue, Milton NG22 0PW. The Friends look forward to meeting with you and they thank you for your continued support. Milton Mausoleum is in the care of the Churches Conservation Trust.