The Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust’s annual Tim Bowles Walk, organised in conjunction with the NWT Retford Local Group, takes place on Sunday 3rd June at the Clarborough Nature Reserve at 2.00pm. The reserve comprises one of the best examples of calcareous grassland in Nottinghamshire, containing such characteristic plants as cowslip, bird’s-foot-trefoil, wild carrot, knapweed, oxeye daisy and several species of orchid, many of which will be in flower at the time of the walk. Part of the site has been colonised by scrub, the mix of grassland and scrub providing suitable conditions for a diverse range of breeding bird and insect fauna.
To be led, by NWT’s Northern Reserve Officer Rob Atkinson, the walk will be two miles long, the route being along rough paths and with steps and moderate gradients. Meeting at 1.30pm at Whitley’s House Farm on the road verge, the walk is free, but booking is essential. For booking and other information contact Jan Williamson at or call 01777 709974.