‘Adventures and Misadventures in Museums’, will be the subject of the lecture to be given by David Philips at the meeting of The Arts Society Dukeries on Wednesday 4th April at 1.50pm in St Anne’s Church Hall, Worksop S80 1NJ.
The pictures on gallery walls look so well-behaved, but there can be bedlam behind the scenes. Based on the speaker’s own and his colleagues’ experiences, we relive the highs and lows of curatorial life. The audience will find out what’s involved in a gallery make-over, dine (disastrously) with a Duke, discover a masterpiece — and are questioned by Chelsea CID as suspects in a massive art fraud. At the end of the day, the reward should be a gallery full of engaged visitors, and it does often happen — but not always. The incidents of daily curatorial life can be colourful, but in this talk they add up to a solid theme. What are the big issues that art curators face, and where should the whole business be going?
The society’s 2nd May lecture will be ‘Indians, Buffalo and Storms: The American West in 19th Century Art’ by Toby Faber.
Visitors are very welcome to come to meetings at a cost of £6.00 per lecture. There is a free car park at the hall and coffee and tea are available after the lecture. For further details of the lecture programme and about the society, please speak to Anthony on 01909 731415 or Gill on 01909 540506 or see www.theartssociety.org/societies/dukeries.