Songs and Scones
Friday 7th February, 2.00pm to 3.30pm
Enjoy tea, scones, and social music-making at Live Music Now’s Songs and Scones programme. This event brings people together to engage with live music and connect with others in the local community. The uplifting live performances by professional musicians are particularly suitable for older people, including those living with dementia and their carers, though all are welcome. Tickets: £3.00. Book via or Retford Library.
Retford Library’s Poetry Café – New Beginnings
Monday 10th February, 2.00pm to 3.30pm
Join Retford Library staff for a relaxing afternoon of poetry. Bring a poem on the theme of ‘New Beginnings’, share a favourite poem, or simply go along to listen. Booking is advised. £1.00, including refreshments.
Winter Words
Thursday 13th February, 6.00pm
Local literary enthusiast Rob White returns to deliver ‘Winter Words’, a talk on Thomas Hardy’s poetry, referencing poems set to music by Benjamin Britten in a song cycle of the same title. Expect fascinating insights into Hardy’s life and work, along with some music. This talk is a repeat of the popular event held in November. Tickets: £3.00, including refreshments. Booking is essential.
Retford Library’s Crime Café
Tuesday 25th February, 10.00am to 11.30am
Enjoy coffee and chat about your favourite or latest crime and mystery reads. Share your recommendations, get suggestions from others, and reserve any of the discussed titles for free. £1.00, including refreshments.
Keep Calm and Carry Yarn
Thursdays 6th and 20th February, 1.30pm to 3.00pm
Bring your own craft project to work on and chat with others over coffee and biscuits. £1.00, including refreshments.
Retford Library Writers’ Group
Thursdays 13th and 27th February, 2.00pm to 4.00pm
An informal and friendly group for writers at all stages, including beginners. Go along to listen and share.
Rattle Rhyme and Roll
Wednesdays and Fridays, 10.00am to 10.20am
Stories and rhymes for under-fives in the Children’s Library. Just turn up and join the fun!
Heritage and online resources
Explore Retford Library’s fascinating Local Heritage collection. Library members also have free access to Ancestry and the British Newspaper Archive on library PCs.
For more information about courses at Retford Library and other Inspire venues, visit Retford Library has a Facebook page—follow to stay updated on activities.
For further details and to book places (unless otherwise stated), contact Retford Library on 01777 708724 or email