Friends of Bassetlaw Museum

by | 30 November 2024 | Community Event, Community facility, Heritage, Retford

Annual General Meetings can often be tedious and boring events which do not attract many attendees, so the Friends of Bassetlaw Museum Committee was pleased that about 25% of the membership attended their Annual General Meeting in mid-October. At its last AGM, in November 2023, the organisation had seriously considered its future viability post-pandemic but had decided to continue with a new committee.

Chairman Judith Goodall summarised the year: the successful events and the feeling of optimism that now pervades the organisation and its membership. The Treasurer was able to report that the organisation’s financial position has both stabilised and strengthened whilst the Membership Secretary reported that membership numbers have increased. Clearly, the new committee is working well, although there have been a few relatively minor ‘hiccups’ along the way.

Following the formal part of the evening, those present enjoyed some light refreshments and then joined museum colleagues to view a special display of hats, bonnets and toys which are not normally displayed in the museum.

Their next event will be the Christmas Crank-Up on Saturday 7th December in the museum. As in previous years, this will include a display of vintage tractors and steam engines, some of which are quite small; some craft stalls and, hopefully, some activities for children. There is a rumour that the big man in a red coat may also pop in, but that is not confirmed. The day is still in the planning stage, full details will be available on the Friends of Bassetlaw Museum Facebook page nearer the time.

If you would like to know more about The Friends and what they do or would like to join them, please email Membership application forms can also be found on their Facebook page or via the home page of the Bassetlaw Museum website.