Pension Credit: Are you over State Pension age and on a low income?

by | 24 October 2024 | Citizens Advice, Sherwood

As a single person, do you have less than £218.15 per week coming in to live on… or, as a couple do you have a joint weekly income below £332.95?

If your answer to both those questions is ‘Yes’, but you are currently not receiving Pension Credit, then you could be missing out on a key state benefit that you may well be fully entitled to.

If you are over state pension age, even if you own your own home or have some savings, it may be worth checking to see if you are entitled to receive Pension Credit to help with day-to-day living costs.

Pension Credit also opens the door to other benefits such as the Winter Fuel Payment Housing Benefit, Council Tax reduction, help with NHS costs, Winter Fuel Payment, Cold Weather Payments and a free TV license for those over 75.

Pension Credit is tax free and tops up your weekly income to a minimum level of £218.15 a week for single pensioners or £332.95 a week for couples. Even if your income is higher, you might be eligible for

Pension Credit if you have a disability, you care for someone, or you have housing costs.

Citizens Advice Central Notts can help to check if you are eligible for pension credit and if so help you to apply. Contact them:

  • Ollerton office: 5 Forest Court, NG22 9PL – Monday and Wednesday. 9.30am to 2.30pm.
  • 01623 861769 – you may be offered a call back.
  • They also have outreaches throughout the local area which may be closer to home – for dates and times check online or call them