Table tennis

by | 6 October 2024 | Hobbies, Sports Club, Worksop

After a short summer break, Blitz Table Tennis Club, based at Redlands Primary School in Worksop is back in full swing.

This summer they have been working hard behind the scenes, constantly looking for ways to improve, firstly what they offer but also performance on the table. They have signed a new sponsorship deal with major table tennis supplier Bribar Table Tennis, and through them they have a brand new kit and can offer discounts on equipment.

Last season, in the local Worksop and District Table Tennis League, the Club pretty much cleaned up, winning every division and often having the second placed team as well. In the individual championships they won or came runner up in almost every event.

They have now changed their ‘on the table’ focus to include more national success.

The aim for this season, is to get promoted in Senior British League (any age can play) and also in Junior British League (under 19). It’s a big ask but they think it’s achievable.

Below this, they also have a team in National Junior League and two teams in National Cadet League, both of these feed into the Club’s higher national level teams.

Blitz will again have a big representation within the various Nottinghamshire County squads, and they also have many players competing on the national scene from under 11 to over 60s.

Their junior coaching sessions have re-started on Tuesdays and Fridays, and they have also moved their fun and popular singles league to Wednesday nights.

Thursdays remain for Worksop league matches and their most popular Saturday open session remains untouched.

If you’d like to find out more, why not contact them through their website,, or on their Facebook page, Blitz Table Tennis Club, to see what they can offer you.