The newly-named Clays Gardening Club began the 2024 programme with a pleasing turnout. They now have almost 70 members who can look forward to an ambitious selection of meetings comprising talks, trips out, a holiday and a visit to Harrogate Flower Show.
This month they had a welcome return visit from Geoff Hodge. Geoff is a freelance gardening and horticultural writer, journalist, author, editor and radio and TV broadcaster living near Peterborough. He has been a writer and broadcaster for 23 years and in the horticultural / gardening industry for 29 years.
His talk at the January meeting was entitled ‘A Tapestry of Foliage’. We all find foliage useful to fill in those intricate corners of our gardens or to strike a contrast with blooms. Geoff’s illustrated talk showed the varied ways of doing this and the many plants available to assist the home gardener.
The Club’s March meeting (18th) should prove very popular as spring approaches: ‘A Patch of Grass or a Beautiful Lawn’ is Howard Drury’s subject. Howard has visited the group several times before and is a renowned and very knowledgeable speaker of over 50 years standing. Do not miss this opportunity to hear him!
They usually meet on the third Monday of each month at Wheatley Village Hall. Doors open at 7.00pm and action begins at 7.30pm. Call Christine Crowther on 01427 884882 for more details.