Wickersley Parish Council’s application to the Government’s Community Ownership Fund, has been successful. A grant of £264,000 was announced just before Christmas to provide 80% of the costs of the proposed Winthrop Development! And at its meeting on 22nd January 2024 the Parish Council approved the Winthrop Development Business Case which now means that Winthrop’s new Café is now a ‘when’ not an ‘if’!
Councillor John Barber, Chair of Wickersley Parish Council and also of the Winthrop Committee, said: “I am so pleased and proud that the Parish Council has been successful in our Community Ownership Fund application.
“The grant enables us to do so much:
- to create a sustainable future for Winthrop
- to provide a new Cafe building
- to improve the overall size and layout of the gardens
- to improve the visitor experience
- and to the confidence to continue to develop and improve the services we provide at Winthrop
“We were extremely grateful for the very helpful letters of support from all our local politicians – our MPs Alexander Stafford and John Healey, and our Borough Councillors Sue Ellis, Zach and Tom Collingham.
“We’ve now had a meeting with our Grant Manager and are working on developing the Tender Specification which we hope to advertise in early March.”