Museums of Tuxford

by | 5 March 2024 | Community facility, Heritage, Sherwood

Mothering Sunday is almost upon us. One definition of a mother is a selfless loving human who must sacrifice many of their wants and needs to put those of their children first, to equip them with the knowledge skills and abilities to make it as a complete human being. On Mothering Sunday those in service were given a rare day off travelled back to visit their church and their mothers.

Snowdrops, harbingers of spring, are now pushing through. In Greek mythology, the goddess Persephone was forced by her uncle Hades to inhabit the underworld in autumn and winter. Upon returning to Earth each spring she brought snowdrops. The Walks of Life Museum is celebrating Mothering Sunday and the tradition of gathering flowers for mothers.

Also on display are some fine smocked children’s garments – items to be worn on special occasions. These are displayed alongside some prams of yesteryear.

At the Museum of the Horse, the state coachman’s uniform from the home of Princess Diana, Althorpe, and the crested horse rugs that their carriage horses would have used, are on display.

From March, the museums in Tuxford will be running traditional building skills days, covering traditional building skills such as lime plastering. Learn from the Conservation Officer and Building Preservation Trust. See the museums’ Facebook page for dates and prices.

The Museum of the Horse is open Monday to Friday, 10.00am to 4.00pm, and until 2.00pm on Saturday. For more information contact 01777 838234 or