Rampton Hospital Volunteer Opportunities

by | 31 July 2022 | Health, Notice, Worksop

Rampton Hospital is seeking to recruit enthusiastic people to volunteer their time and become part of its befriending scheme. Their scheme is patient centered and gives priority to patients who have little or no contact with the outside world.

Volunteers bring their skills, their knowledge, and a desire to make a difference to their services and the lives of the patients they care for. They train, support, and develop their volunteers so they can play a meaningful and valuable role.

The hospital hear stories every week from the volunteers themselves, and from the staff and patients they work with, about the incredible difference volunteers make to people’s lives. They are proud of their volunteers and the enormous contribution they make.

They’re looking for people who want to help them deliver the best care they can to their patients. It’s always useful if you have a relevant skill (for example you’re a good listener, you have previous experience of supporting vulnerable people, or you are a keen gardener or musician) because everyone has something unique, they can offer!
They are ideally looking for people who:

  • can commit to a minimum of two hours per month.
  • have some understanding of mental health issues, intellectual and developmental disabilities (learning disabilities) or substance misuse issues.
  • are over the age of 21.

For more information you may wish to visit www.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/visitors-guide-films.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, they would love to hear from you. Please contact the Family and Volunteer Support Service on FamilyandVolunteerServiceRH@nottshc.nhs.uk, or call 01777 247571 or 01777 247653.