Meet Molly, a Brownie in the Gainsborough area.

Molly has been a Brownie for three years, and lockdown hasn’t stopped her from achieving the highest award a Brownie can achieve: the Brownie Gold Award!

Not only did Molly achieve her Gold Award, she decided to challenge herself further by completing all the Brownie interest badges, and all before moving up to Guides.

We spoke to Molly’s mum, who said: “Molly has loved going to Brownies and she likes being in the group; it makes Molly feel happy. Molly was really determined to get her Gold Award before leaving to go to Guides and is really proud that she has achieved it, especially as so much was done at home due to lockdowns.”

Molly said that her favourite Skills Builder challenge was ‘Fajita Fun’: “I got to prepare and cook something I’d never tried before! It was really fun!” One Leader who had done the activity with another local group spoke of how “some parents chose to take their Brownies shopping to buy the ingredients needed for the activity, which added another element of learning; seeing how much food costs and how to choose what to buy. Brownies really enjoyed this activity and it was perfect for doing at home.”

Molly spoke about her time at Brownies, excitedly saying how she was the youngest Brownie who went on the Guiding trip to Disneyland Paris (pre-COVID) and added that her favourite interest badges were Painting and Collecting.

Now a Guide, Molly is looking forward to attending her first International Camp this summer! We wish Molly all the best in her new target to achieve the Guide Gold Award.

Start earning your badges today! Join the adventure at Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers or as a volunteer. For further information please contact or visit