Les Francophiles de Tickhill

by | 29 November 2021 | Social Group, Worksop

After such a long interval lacking in festivities, Les Francophiles de Tickhill are pleased to announce that they shall be holding their traditional ‘Fête de Noël’ on Wednesday 1st December at 7.30pm in the Parish Room, Tickhill, DN11 9HZ.

A short AGM will precede various entertainments with wine or soft drinks provided, then they shall have their annual ‘Bring and Share’ feast of mainly French dishes. Members are reminded that subscriptions are due. Visitors (at a charge of £5.00) will need to ring Jan Murray 01302 611415 to say what food they will bring.

On Wednesday 5th January at 7.30pm at the same venue they shall welcome Nigel Bemrose to give a talk on ‘Champagne’… both the district and the drink. Refreshments will be served afterwards, with the chance to socialise. Start the New Year with fizz!