Residents and businesses in the Ordsall area are being asked to participate in a second public consultation on Bassetlaw District Council’s Draft Bassetlaw Local Plan.
This latest focussed consultation is asking people to share their views on the proposed Ordsall South development following updates to the Local Plan and further proposals from the site promoter. This is in response to the significant feedback during the November 2020 Local Plan consultation, which helped to shape the revision of the plan.
Due to national planning policies, the Council has been forced to increase the proposed number of 800 homes delivered up to the year 2037 by a further 450 homes beyond 2037.
Councillor Jo White, Cabinet Member for Regeneration at Bassetlaw District Council said: “Increasing the number of properties on the Ordsall South site was something that we really did not want to do and I am very sympathetic to the views of residents and share their concerns.
“Like many other councils, Bassetlaw is under significant pressure from the Government to build more houses. Their policies look to give developers even more power to build as many homes as they like without consulting with residents, businesses and councils.
“The Draft Bassetlaw Local Plan can put the brakes on development in our district and ensure that we can control future development, bring in new high-skilled jobs that are needed, and ensure that the infrastructure including road improvements, cycle routes, play facilities and health provision that residents and businesses need is planned for and delivered. Your views are important and I hope that you can participate in this consultation.”
Residents and businesses can view the updated proposals, take part in the consultation, and sign-up to attend a number of online consultation events, by visiting
All comments must be received before the consultation closes at 5.00pm on Wednesday 21st July 2021.