Retford Bowling Green

by | 31 May 2021 | Hobbies, Retford, Sports Club

We are coming out of lockdown and bowling is resuming as near to normally as possible. At Retford Bowling Green, this time of year is when they look to introduce new members to this fascinating game. Unfortunately, there has been no Charter Day promotion but the club’s Open Day has survived, if a little later than usual, on Sunday 6th June at 11.00am.
So what is Open Day? This is when anyone can go along to the club, free of charge and with no obligation to discover what the club is all about. Members will be on hand to welcome you, introduce you to the club and the game of flat green lawn bowls and answer any questions. Coaches will also be there to allow you to try your hand at the game. All equipment will be provided. Additionally, refreshments will be available.
Following on from Open Day, the next four Saturdays, 12th June to 3rd July, from 10.00am to 12.00pm, free coaching sessions will take place. Whether or not you attend Open Day you are welcome at any or all of these sessions, as ever totally free of charge and all equipment provided.
During lockdown everyone has been encouraged to get some outdoor exercise. As we are free to do more why not consider bowls as part of your exercise regime? It’s not strenuous and is suitable for all ages including children. In addition it is also good for the emotional wellbeing. Give it a try – everyone is welcome!
For more information you can visit the club website,, email or call Geoff Evans, on 01777 948194.