Join in the Great Wickersley Spring Clean

by | 27 February 2021 | Environment, Notice, Rotherham

Wickersley Parish Council is urging local residents to join in the Great Wickersley Spring Clean over the weekend of 20th and 21st March. Councillor Sue Ellis, Chair of Wickersley Parish Council, said: “I think we’ve all really appreciated our play areas, our sports fields, our woods, our lanes and our streets during this last 12 months – we’ve walked them and some of us have run them and we’ve all enjoyed them! And to make sure they are there for us over the next few months, I’m inviting everyone to join us in our ‘Wickersley 2021 Spring Clean’!
“We can all play our part – from picking up litter that blows into our garden or is dropped outside our house, to sweeping and weeding the pavement outside our homes, to taking gloves and a carrier when we go out for a walk and filling a bag to take home, to doing it in a bit bigger way with a litter grabber, hoop and a black sack!
“So, will you join in for our ‘big push’ over the weekend of Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st March – the first day of the spring and just the time to clear the cobwebs away – inside and out!”
This year, due to COVID-19 and the lockdown, the parish council are advising that people should only do these activities with people from their own household or with one other person – but in the future, when it’s safe, they are keen to return to ‘Community Spring Cleans’ in which everyone can get involved. If you’re keen to work with the parish council to keep Wickersley clean and tidy, then please sign up as a ‘Litter Picker’ to be kept informed about their plans.