A tree of love and hope

by | 30 January 2021 | Community Focus, Gainsborough, Hobbies, Retford, Sherwood, Worksop

With lots of love in the air this month why not create a Tree of Love and Hope either for your front window or in your village or town? Retford Textile Group have developed this idea with special thoughts and love for all those suffering from any form of illness at present, be that COVID-related, mental health issues, cancer, etc.
This idea could be adapted so all family members can participate.

The hearts
Create padded embroidered felt hearts with hand embroidery or use Fimo or coloured clay hearts with small hearts simply cut out of fabric and beads attached. Aluminium tin cans or trays can also be cut into heart shapes pierced and are more suitable for outdoor use on a larger tree; they are quicker to make and are weather resistant – there are many examples on social media sites but take care when cutting with smaller children.

The bases
Put quick drying concrete into a base of an old vase or tin or flower pot and then insert twigs or branches before it dries.

Happy crafting and stay safe Retford Textile Group.