The Edwinstowe branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL) very much regrets that the traditional remembrance event on Remembrance Sunday will not be taking place this year. This means that the usual church service at St Mary’s, the parade in the village and the gathering at the memorial gardens will not be taking place as an organised RBL event. However, subject to the rules and restrictions in force at the time, a very small contingent will be in attendance, laying wreaths and observing the two-minute silence to pay their respects to the fallen. The public are, of course, at liberty to attend to pay their respects at some point in the day, and the RBL hope that some will do so. However, they must encourage you to observe the social distancing rules and guidance in force on the 8th November. The Edwinstowe branch very much hope that they can return to the normal observance of remembrance in this village in 2021.
There have been questions raised recently concerning the RBL Poppy Appeal this year, and Edwinstowe RBL are happy to report that there will be poppies on our streets, together with opportunities for everyone to donate to the appeal should they wish to do so. They are hopeful that there will be no further restrictions placed on social contact before the end of October when the appeal starts, though it is clear that the appeal this year will be taking a slightly different format. The RBL is stressing again the importance of remembrance, but is emphasising the need for safety and the self-control that will be necessary this year to comply with Government guidance.
Due to the COVID-19 rules and guidance, this year a number of people are stuck in doors for one reason or another and we are all unable to socialise as we would want. Nevertheless, many still want to recognise those who gave their lives in conflict and those still serving today. One idea is to put photos of poppies in your window in remembrance as we did with the rainbows for the NHS and essential workers. You can print out pictures from and colour them in ready for Remembrance Day.
Please also make sure you continue to support the Poppy Appeal this year; charities need the public’s help more than ever! You can contact Edwinstowe RBL by email to or follow them on Facebook, ‘Edwinstowe RBL’.