The Riverside Indoor Bowls Club (RIB) are continuing to make huge strides in their aim to return indoor bowls to the Gainsborough district. They have identified two potential venues and have had a promising meeting with a representative of West Lindsey District Council and look forward to working with them to deliver a greater sporting asset to the Gainsborough community for all ages — feelings are very optimistic for the future.
Funds are continuing to be raised and the July quiz was a huge success, raising £450.00. They have received numerous donations, Ebay sale funds and the grand raffle is very popular. The club were also successful in their application to the Councillor Initiative Fund, all helping to keep the bank balance looking healthier month by month.
There will be another table-top sale at Morton Village Hall in September and members of the club are attending Meynell Kindergarten on Saturday 31st August, as their next main fundraising event. So although this is short notice, if you read this in time it would be great for you to go along, support the club and the school and see what Meynell Kindergarden has in store for us everyone!
The club is extremely grateful to RIB members, members of the public, local businesses and shops throughout the area for their continued support which has been unbelievable, and the paid-up supporters continue to grow.
If members of the public are interested in supporting RIB, please contact Linda Grocock on 01427 614682.