Shireoaks Village Hall has undergone a major refurbishment over the last four months, to bring this well loved and well used community facility up to the latest standards. This mammoth task would not have been possible without the £10k awarded to the project by National Lottery Community Fund. Alongside other grants, St Luke’s Church and the community have raised funds locally to enable the whole hall to be transformed.
The funding has meant that the hall now has a superb modern kitchen capable of supporting all sorts of events, new toilets including an accessible toilet and a new baby changing facility. The hall has also had new LED lighting fitted throughout and a completely new central heating system. The hall has also been further enhanced with the installation of a new computer projector and screen and a PA system which has Bluetooth connectivity.
Peter Stanley, the Village Hall Treasurer, said: “This has been a superb project and one which will be really appreciated by the community — we’re so grateful to the National Lottery for the £10k, it has meant all the difference to the outcome of the refurbishment.”
There will be an Open Day on Saturday 6th April from 10.00am to 4.00pm, when everyone is welcome to come and see the transformation that has taken place. The official opening will be on Sunday 7th April, starting at 4.00pm with a service of thanksgiving at St Luke’s Church followed by the opening ceremony by The Archdeacon of Newark — The Ven David Picken.