New opening hours for Citizens Advice Bassetlaw

by | 30 September 2020 | Retford, Worksop

During the early days of lockdown, Citizens Advice Bassetlaw moved all their staff and volunteers from the offices in Worksop and Retford, to working at home.
The telephone service that they provide, working at home, has proved to be a huge success and the service will continue to be mainly delivered by telephone. Their advisers are offering telephone support Monday to Friday, from 10.00am to 2.00pm. Their numbers are:

  • General problems: 0300 4568369
  • Local number: 01909 498894
  • Debt problems: 01909 498890
  • Cancer-related issues: 01909 498889

With some offices tentatively starting to open their doors, Citizens Advice Bassetlaw has unlocked the Worksop office doors and will open from 10.00am to 12.00pm on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7th September. If clients do pop in during these hours, they will either be booked in for a telephone slot or they will be given an appointment at the Worksop office to see someone on Mondays or Wednesdays for either a 10.00am or 11.00am appointment.