

ComuSpace is a new project in Bassetlaw aiming to help people gain access to technology and receive the support needed to utilise online services. ComuSpace runs support groups from Bassetlaw Food Bank’s Hive in Manton, Morrisons’ Community Room in Retford, and two of...
Wheatley Local History Group

Wheatley Local History Group

Wheatley Local History Group’s next meeting will take place at the Village Hall in South Wheatley on Monday 17th March, starting at 10.00am. They will welcome Bob Massey who will be talking about the origins of our Spring Bank Holiday and the traditions associated...
Voluntary Action Rotherham

Voluntary Action Rotherham

Voluntary Action Rotherham has launched a new campaign – Take a Chance on Me – to celebrate the achievements of young volunteers and encourage more voluntary and community sector groups to create roles specifically for young people. In the weeks leading up to...