Tie a Yellow Ribbon Event

Tie a Yellow Ribbon Event

On Sunday 18th July, from 10.00am to 2.00pm in the grounds of Barnby Moor Memorial Park and Crematorium, meet fundraisers from Bassetlaw Hospice, the chosen charity for Barnby Moor’s open day.Bassetlaw Hospice have chosen to launch their Tie a Yellow Ribbon appeal at...
Tesco Community Grants Scheme

Tesco Community Grants Scheme

Due to the ongoing pandemic, at the moment Tesco cannot use their blue tokens in store for the Bags of Help scheme but you can still apply for a Tesco Community Grant.The scheme has two elements: Supporting projects that help children access the food and support they...
The Beehive Folk Club

The Beehive Folk Club

The Beehive Folk Club Harthill will be opening with a singers night on 2nd July, with the proceeds going to a local charity.For information, contact Peter Garratt on petergarratt1@gmail.com or 0114 2352850.
Retford Lions’ pop-up charity shop

Retford Lions’ pop-up charity shop

Last month, Retford Lions Club advised that their pop-up charity shop would be in the old Toymaster premises unless they were let – which was unlikely! Well, ‘unlikely’ occurred and they have had to make great efforts to secure alternative premises. They owe big...