Work on 19 new Neighbourhood Road Safety schemes across Rotherham has been approved by the Council’s Cabinet. A variety of safety measures were agreed, and in our area the projects being progressed are: Hellaby Addison Road: Portable Vehicle Activated Sign and footway...
For all of us who love to go out into the countryside and spend time with nature, whether that’s just a pleasant stroll in a country park or a more focused birdwatching expedition, restrictions on our movements imposed in the name of coronavirus can prove very...
St Barnabas Hospice’s new fundraising challenge is for all adults, children and families across Lincolnshire, and it doesn’t matter if you are a pro athlete or a beginner who wants to try something new. ‘Don’t Quit, Get Fit’ is the opportunity to either lose those...
Regular Zoom meetings continue to take place but, at the same time, the Rotary Club of Retford can also report on participation in an actual project (all still within the restrictions imposed by the pandemic): ie tree planting with local outdoor education company...
The Hope Community Services charity in Worksop helps those in need because of their social and economic circumstances, particularly the homeless and the socially excluded, by the provision of advice, assistance, guidance and access to education, health care and other...