Now in their ninth year, the Retford branch of the U3A has a membership of over 600 people. There are around 45 interest groups and new members often join the U3A specifically to join just one group; which they really encourage, so if you have a friend who is thinking...
These may be strange times, but Retford U3A are trying to be more proactive over the summer and running into the autumn. As we all consider the potential of further extended lockdowns, it is even more important that we as a collective try to keep in touch with each...
Normally, July marks the start of a new Rotary year, a new team led by a new president. This year was slightly different, as reported earlier in Retford Life. Rotarian Adrian Sumner stepped into the role a little earlier. However, he is now joined by President Elect...
Despite the fact that the Royal British Legion has been unable to arrange many of the events planned for this year, they are still there to support ex-servicemen and their families. There is a wealth of information on the website at and if you...
When reporting on clubs and societies it’s hard to avoid talking of COVID-19. It has affected virtually every aspect of our lives in one way or another, not least of which is our ability to take part in our favourite sport. However, at Retford Bowling Green they have...