Wednesday 11th October saw the Retford Mayflower WI meet at Retford Hub. They welcomed Dominic Schad from Muddy Fork at Idle Valley who explained all about his vital work there. This was especially relevant as it was Mental Health Week. Members all attempted to make...
Like so many other clubs, the Inner Wheel Club of Sherwood have not yet been able to get together physically, but they still have their ways of keeping in touch and active. Their technological skills are growing rapidly. They have discovered Zoom and other webcam...
The final amount raised for Alzheimer’s Research from the Inner Wheel Club of Retford’s Sunday Lunch was £1,294. Thank you to everyone who supported the event. Look at the club’s website for news of their Frog Race on 17th May. You can get in touch there if you...
Writing this at the beginning of July, East Markham WI are still no wiser as to when they will be able to meet again. As restrictions are slowly eased, there is still a limit on the number of people who can meet together whilst maintaining social distance. Hopefully...
The Annual Meeting in April saw a new committee and president elected at East Markham WI, following the retirement of President Jean and a number of committee members. Tributes were paid and gifts presented to those retiring, with special tributes and thanks to Jean,...