Helen Brownett, Textile Artist and Technical Demonstrator at the Framework Knitters Museum in Ruddington, Nottingham, has designed her own version of a Covid-19 virus – and knitted it in 3D on one of the museum’s antique circular knitting machines. Helen put the...
Please note The Inner Wheel Club of Retford are not currently meeting due to the Covid-19 restrictions. At the end of February, a team of four ladies from the Inner Wheel Club of Retford took part in the annual district quiz. On the first weekend in March, another...
During the summer, it is a time of change for officers in the Inner Wheel Club of Retford. Outgoing President Maureen Lilley thanked members for their support during her year in office. She now takes on the role of President of the Rotary Club of Worksop and so will...
Please note Retford Ladies Probus Club are not currently meeting due to the Covid-19 restrictions but bookmark this for later. On 12th February Dawn Cragg chaired her last meeting as president of Retford Ladies Probus Club and, along with other members, was thanked by...
On Wednesday 11th July Retford Ladies Probus was treated to a quintessentially English afternoon tea party to mark their 20th anniversary. The event took place in Sturton Le Steeple Village Hall which was beautifully decorated for the occasion. Bunting by Dawn...