Ryton Chorale

Ryton Chorale

Ryton Chorale will host a Strawberry Fayre on Saturday 21st July, from 2.00pm to 5.00pm at the Hewitt Arms, Shireoaks (take the Thorpe Salvin road opposite the church and the Hewitt Arms is a short distance along the Thorpe road, on the left). There will be...
Ryton Chorale

Ryton Chorale

Ryton Chorale will perform Stainer’s Crucifixion on Sunday 5th April (Palm Sunday) at 6.30pm in Christchurch, Thievesdale Lane, Worksop. Tickets are £7.00, with accompanied under-16s free of charge. Tickets are available from choir members, Abel Office Machines,...
Rotary Club of Retford

Rotary Club of Retford

January began for the Rotary Club of Retford with the usual meeting of committees on 6th. Then. on Friday 10th, chairman of the Community Service Committee, Past President Derek Broughton, and his team organised a quiz night at Ye Olde Bell Hotel, Barnby Moor....