How would you like to own a racehorse? Well, you can (for one evening at least) for a princely sum of just £2.00! On Saturday 14th March, in order to raise funds towards ongoing improvements to North and South Wheatley Village Hall, they are holding a super Race...
A new karate club will soon be opening in Sutton-cum-Lound Village Hall on Fridays from 6.00pm to 7.30pm. It will cost £2.00 per session. No formal kit is needed to start. Beginners are welcome and the club will cater for ages eight to 88. You will be taught by a...
The Lena Snowden Singers present their annual summer concert at Hallcroft Methodist Chapel, Hallcroft Road on Thursday 27th July from 7.00pm. Tickets cost £7, including refreshments.
Retford-based Lena Snowden Singers choir is one of Nottinghamshire’s leading women’s choirs. The 16th January 2020 marked 100 years since their founder, Lena Snowden, was born. She was an amazing lady and a wonderfully talented musician. She formed the choir in 1986...
“Why do they always sing ‘The White Cliffs of Dover’ when they’re entertaining older people? It’s about the last thing I’d want to join in with if I were sitting in a care home.” I’d been telling a group of friends how much the members of the Wednesday Group enjoy a...