In January, the Retford Support Group for Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice had its annual planning meeting. It is a small but active group who have been raising money for Bluebell Wood for more than 15 years. Trends change and the group will be trying new ideas but...
The award winning Retford Amateur Operatic Society are bringing to Retford, the story of ‘the greatest show on earth’. Following on from the popularity of the film ‘The Greatest Showman’, this local company would like to share with you the magic of PT Barnum who...
Do you like ballroom and sequence dancing, or just listening to a professional theatre organist play? Harworth Christie Organ Enthusiasts hold a monthly dance and concert, usually on the last weekend of every month (dancing on the Saturday evening, with a concert on...
Harworth Christie Organ Enthusiasts hold a monthly dance and concert, usually on the last weekend of every month (dancing on the Saturday evening, with a concert on Sunday afternoon) and are inviting visitors to join them. Members are entertained by a different...
Ladies meet for lunch on the second Wednesday of each month at Ferry House, East Stockwith at 12.30pm; they set the world to rights catch up on important news (gossip) and generally enjoy a social hour or two. If you are interested in the East Stockwith Ladies...