Springthorpe Village Hall will provide the warm and congenial venue for a Burns Night celebration. You are invited to share good food and music with a Scottish flavour on Friday 26th January. The evening will be more like the contemporary Scots version of Burns Night...
Join two of Inspire’s local studies librarians, as they discuss some of the lesser known aspects of Ancestry.com — a valuable family history research tool. Ancestry is free to use in Inspire libraries and at Nottinghamshire Archives. ‘Exploring Ancestry’ takes place...
Misterton Bowls Club held its annual awards dinner in November. Once again, some of the newcomers elbowed out long-standing members with Tom Allen taking the Gents Champion Trophy. David Seymour joined forces with Peter Kent to take the Open Pairs trophy. The full...
The local branch of The Royal British Legion has been busy with the annual Poppy Appeal, but are already looking towards 2018, which commemorates the Armistice, 100 years since the agreement to ceasefire at the end of World War One, on 11th November 1918. The actual...
Anyone travelling along the A634 from Barnby Moor to Blyth, cannot fail to see a strange sight at a field entry. Huge steel fences and gates are in place. The adjacent layby has been filled with large concrete blocks. The latter were put in to stop any protesters who...